1-7: Homer calls upon the goddess of poetry and inspiration (the MUSE) to sing of Achilleus' anger. Sleep is afraid, because on one other occasion he put Zeus to sleep so that Hera could work mischief. But unlike Meleager, who saves his wife, Achilles does not act soon enough to save his beloved companion. Find out what happens in our Book 10 summary for The Iliad by Homer. His impulse to preserve the lives of his men shows that he takes his responsibility seriously. Hector breaks Ajax's mighty spear, and, exhausted and forced back by a rain of arrows and spears, Ajax finally retreats. With the other Achaean champions wounded, Ajax is the one who must now call out and rally the troops, as well as inspire them with his action. Book-by-Book Summary of the Iliad. He is by far the most powerful of the gods. As the story begins, the war is … Nestor, resting back by the ships, hears the cries of battle and watches as the Trojans seem to gain the upper hand. The Trojans push their way back to the ships, and a particularly fierce fight develops between Hector and Telamonian Ajax. If Achilles will not return to the fighting, Patroclus asks that he at least give Patroclus his armor. Apollo's priest Chryses comes to the Achaian camp and asks to ransom back his daughter Chryseis, who has been captured. Hector glories over his victory, heaping verbal abuse on Patroclus. After helping the Trojans dominate, Zeus seems confident in their success and takes off. She dupes Aphrodite into helping her, saying that she needs a token to bring together two estranged lovers. When Hector kills Patroclus, Patroclus has been stunned, stripped, and disarmed by a god. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Certainly he is one of the noblest characters we have seen, and he is less tainted by pride; his compassion has been established earlier, when he puts aside his embassy to Achilles to tend to the wounds of a friend. For Homer, who accepts war as a fact of life and cherishes the virtues of a warrior, these actions make Diomedes and Odysseus strong subordinate officers. Summary and analysis of Book 13 of Homer's Iliad, with a focus on the theme of fate and American Idol. Sarpedon's death is destined, and the source of that destiny remains faceless and unclear. Mortality. You can test out of the They have moments of glory, but these moments are relatively brief incidents offset by long episodes in which Achaean champions smash through the Trojan forces. The two men decide to take position in defense of the ships on the left side of the battlefield, since the Aeantes hold the center. There is also the parallelism set up by the Meleager story told by Phoenix back in Book 9. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} So beliefs outside of Homer's text had an affect on how Greeks read the poem; it was easy to read the bond between Achilles and Patroclus as one of lifelong companionship, with sexual love as a central part of the relationship. He asks Hera what he should do. When sending Patroclus off to battle, Achilles makes the shocking statement that he would be happy if all of the soldiers on both sides died except for Achilles and Patroclus, so that they could conquer the city alone together. In this book, Idomenus says that not even Achilles could force Great Ajax back in close combat, although overall Achilles is by far the greater warrior. Books … Books 13-16. Because Zeus has turned his gaze elsewhere, with Poseidon's aid the Achaeans are able to regroup and launch a stiff counterattack on the left side. After a … But the Trojans rout the Achaeans, cutting down Achaean warriors left and right. Resolute, the Trojans press forward, and the Greeks meet the charge again. 1899 He is selfish and cares little for anyone but himself. Zeus has departed for the time being and Poseidon is now involved, helping out on the Greek side. These prophecies prepare the audience for upcoming exciting events. Theodore Alois Buckley, M.A., F.S.A. But within the confines of the poem itself, Homer give little explicit indication that the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus is primarily a relationship between lovers. Now, when Zeus had brought Hector and his Trojans as far as the ships, he left them and their enemies to ceaseless toil and suffering, and turned his glowing eyes to distant lands, those of the Thracian horsemen, the Mysians who fight hand to hand, the proud Hippemolgi who drink mare’s milk, and the Abii, who love justice most. Iliad E-Text contains the full text of Iliad. Services. He blames Hera, who responds that Poseidon helps the Achaeans of his own free will. For help identifying the topic of each book, phrases or tags follow the summary link. Achilles will return to battle to avenge his beloved companion. The sea parts as he rushes through, with dolphins leaping this way and that as he thunders toward the Greek ships. The Trojans swarm like a raging flame. Symbols & Motifs. He orders them back into battle, and they go gladly. Most of the soldiers are exhausted and discouraged, some openly weeping. Homer doesn't hold back in describing the violence of hand-to-hand combat. Outline of Homer's Iliad . Achilles will finally rejoin the battle to avenge his beloved companion. His compassion provides contrast to Achilles' pride, and his eschewal of boastful words provides contrast to Hector's tendency to brag. The deaths of Sarpedon and Patroklos in this book introduce an elegiac tone into the last part of the Iliad, as the characters that the reader sees as sympathetic are killed. Glory and life are both at stake, and Homer gives much attention here to the valiant defensive fighting of Telamonian Ajax. The Locrians stand back from the front line and rain arrows on the Trojans, and between the arrows and the ferocity of the soldiers led by the Aeantes, it seems for a moment that the Trojans will have to retreat. In Book 13 of The Iliad, big brother Zeus is out, little brother Poseidon is in. Brutal fighting develops around Sarpedon's body, good men on both sides killing and being killed. Idomeneus, freshly inspired by Poseidon, kills many Trojans. He has no interest in boasting about great deeds. In the long skirmish that ensues, Deiphobus is wounded, and Menelaus cuts down several Trojans. Homer describes the vulnerable positioning of the Achaean ships. The Iliad Books 13-16 Summary & Analysis Book 13 Summary: “Battling for the Ships” After driving the armies into conflict, Zeus turns his gaze away, certain that none of the gods will dare interfere. When the two reappear on the battlefield's left flank, blessed by Poseidon and wearing their splendid armor, an even more intense fight breaks out. Character Analysis. By now, the reader should be familiar with certain patterns of the theme of interaction between human free will and the will of the gods. Idomeneus cuts down a number of Trojan soldiers but hopes most of all to kill the warrior Deiphobus. The battle is long and gory and involves much trash talk between sides. The struggle is not physical, but psychological, because the Achaeans will need their courage to stop Hector. Bloody fighting continues, with warriors of both sides killing men and then vaunting over the bodies. Zeus is getting a little bored with all this fighting. Poseidon notices this and intervenes with the war. He inspires Great Ajax, Little Ajax, and the troops around them to hold back Hector. With the Trojans through the Achaean wall, Zeus takes his eyes off the fighting, and the sea-god Poseidon takes advantage. Poseidon isn't finished. And here come the Trojans, like an avalanche toward the wall of Greeks. Achilles, although a great warrior, does not fit our modern definition of an honorable man. He sees himself as equal in stature to Zeus, as Zeus's brother and ruler of the seas, and he resents Zeus issuing commands to him as if he were one of Zeus's children. The Aeantes realize they have encountered a god, and they both feel invincible. Hera scolds the king of the gods, telling him that if he brings Sarpedon to safety, none of the gods will respect him. It's a flurry of blood and flesh and armor shining in the sunlight, a terrible and yet thrilling scene. Books 12 and 13 Summary and Analysis. 155-168 Deiphobos encounters Meriones. Book 9 . At the end of this sneering speech, an eagle flies by, which the Greek army cheers as a good omen. The Myrmidons charge into battle. She devises a plan to seduce Zeus, luring him back from Ida so that he cannot help the Trojans. Please note that these chapter divisions did not exist in the original telling of the story. He suggests flight and return to Greece. Once he gets there, though, he abandons all the fancy trappings and takes the form of a man named Calchas. The Iliad Books 9-12 Summary & Analysis. He disguises himself as the soothsayer, Kalchas, and appears to the two Aiases, or Aiantes (Great Ajax and little Ajax. The poem was divided according to what could be transcribed onto one scroll without the scroll becoming too long and thus breaking. In his human guise, Poseidon finds Ajax 1 and Ajax 2 - the Greek brothers collectively known as the 'Aeantes' (the plural of Ajax). Iliad Books 1-4 Analysis The Summit The Iliad Books 1-4 set the stage for the rest of the book. He then swoops away. After helping the Trojans […] Poseidon recognizes that his brother is not paying attention and takes advantage of this to help the Greeks. Quickly a formidable wall of soldiers takes shape, fighters shoulder-to-shoulder in tight formation, ready to withstand the Trojan charge. But since Zeus is still more powerful, Poseidon has to be secretive - this is why he takes on human form when he goes among the soldiers. In the first part of this section, Poseidon and a number of Greek champions fight to keep the Achaean morale high. Further carnage ensues, and Idomeneus ends up wounding Deiphobus. He makes an impassioned speech and shames the soldiers. She points out that if Achilles avenges Patroklos, he himself will be killed. The conflict began when Paris, the son of Troy’s king Priam, seized a willing Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, from the Achaean king Menelaus. Here you'll find an approximately one-page summary of each book, a description of the major characters and sometimes places, and an English translation. Heads roll, entrails spill, blood gushes. Aphrodite gives her a band, worn between the breasts, that makes its wearer irresistible. 53-305: Inspired by the goddess, Hera, Achilleus calls … Poseidon himself validates their support for their king. Agamemnon fears losing and proposes sailing away while the army still fights. Seeing this, Poseidon gets intense. VIII Guided by Zeus, Hector leads a Trojan rout of the Greeks, but nightfall keeps them from climbing the walls and burning the ships. The Trojans get the worst of the fighting, and they are driven back through the Scaean Gates. Marriage was a social necessity; wives provided children, and continuing the family line was an obligation. Iliad literature essays are academic essays for citation. Patroclus rages on, killing more of the Trojans' best. Poseidon rushes to the battlefield, calling on the Argives to fight bravely. Homer describes numerous battles on the left side, and there the tide of war eventually turns in favor of the Achaeans, thanks to Poseidon, Idomenus, and Meriones. The value system exhibited by Diomedes and Odysseus matches the decision made by Achilles, and the theme of glory is an implicit part of these discussions about retreat. The Iliad Book Summary questionBook 1: Dispute Between Kings answerOpening chapter Dispute between Achilles and Agamemnon Achilles refuses to … When Hector rides forward, Patroclus kills Hector's charioteer, Cebriones, and then the two men fight over the body. Automedon, friend of Achilles and Patroclus, yokes Achilles' horses. Patroclus misses with his spear and kills Thrasymelus, Sarpedon's henchman, and Sarpedon in turn kills the one horse of Achilles that is mortal. The two deities sleep together, and Sleep goes to Poseidon to tell him that Zeus slumbers and can no longer stop him from helping the Greeks. The Iliad, an epic poem attributed to Homer and the oldest extant piece of European literature, is conventionally divided into 24 books. Did you know… We have over 220 college In his absence, his younger brother Poseidon sees an opportunity. 15 Book 10. (Homer uses a memorable simile likening Apollo to a child who kicks down the walls of a sandcastle.) After his grandson is killed, Poseidon … Still, he gathers the men who are left, including Paris, and this Trojan core battles on. The Achaean heroes, especially Patroclus, fight ferociously and kill many of the enemy's best warriors. Poseidon is the brother of Zeus, however, and nearly as powerful, so he is the next of the lesser gods to disobey and intervene in the war. Because of these different attitudes, sexual contact between men was far more common. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? If Hector destroys the ships and the encampments, the Achaeans will not survive. Seeing the danger, Achilles urges Patroclus to hurry. The themes of pride and the struggle for glory are present throughout all of this morale-boosting, as heroes try to rally each other through a mixture of encouragement and mild insults designed to motivate a champion through his sense of honor. In response Poseidon renews his efforts on the Greek side. Themes. Are Achilles and Patroclus lovers? Last Updated on June 1, 2019, by eNotes Editorial. In his pride and his desire to win glory, Hector defeats a grave threat to his people, but he also dooms himself by killing Achilles' companion. He remains in his home with his beloved wife, but he returns from battle because of the threat to her safety. When we see them going to sleep at the end of Book 9, they both are taking women to bed with them. Poseidon is still a presence, even intervening to break a spear that was on its way to kill a Greek. Glaucos wants revenge, but he is too wounded to face Patroclus, and he asks Apollo for help. The death of Sarpedon is another important episode in this book, because it reveals an important element of the Homeric view of fate. The two armies rush at each other. He tells Achilles of the dire situation facing the Achaeans, and begs him to help. He is insulted and sent away, and Apollo sends a plague on the Greeks. Zeus has been helping out the Trojans because ultimately he wants more glory for Achilles, the Greek hero. For Sophocles and Euripides, Odysseus was not faithful and cunning officer but a devious and bloodthirsty manipulator. With each new assault, he strikes down more of their champions, until finally, Apollo strikes him. He flies into a rage when Hector kills his grandson. The god then lets out a divine roar, which reinvigorates Agamemnon's spirits. Retreat would mean a loss of glory, and glory is a goal as precious as life. (When not at sea for long periods, ancient Greek vessels were beached.) He calls them weak, and tells them to pull themselves together already. Thus disguised, he encourages the two Aeantes (Great Ajax and Little Ajax, when they are named as a pair) and gives them new strength before he flies away. By the time of Athen's golden age, it was a widely held belief that Achilles and Patroclus were lovers: debate did not center on whether or not they were lovers, but on which man was the active sexual partner and which man played the passive role. The law has nothing to do with interference per se: after all, Aphrodite and Apollo were allowed earlier to save Aeneas. He runs to fetch Agamemnon, who is recovering from his wounds. The Achaeans drive the Trojans back. Find out what happens in our Book 12 summary for The Iliad by Homer. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Themes and Colors Key LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Iliad, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Hector reaches a ship and calls for fire. just create an account. Book 1. For him, actions are the path to victory. For the Greeks, Homer's characters had a life outside of the epic poem. The Trojans set fire to one of the ships. Previously, Sarpedon's death was predicted by Zeus in prophecy, which suggests that at least part of the time Zeus's prophecies report fate rather than shape it. The two men leap down from their chariots to fight each other on foot, and Zeus looks on in indecision. Little Ajax knows then that some god has spoken to them, and the Aeantes' spirits rise. Book 13 is not for the faint of heart! Enter Poseidon Zeus is getting a little bored with all this fighting. Create an account to start this course today. Many Trojans die trying to cross back over the Achaean fortifications. Here, in Book 16, Achilles' story becomes a new version of Meleager's story, just as Phoenix warned it would. - Definition, Types & Examples, Impact of Partnership Liabilities on Partners' Basis for Federal Income Tax Purposes, Quiz & Worksheet - Comparing Design Thinking & Traditional Problem Solving, Quiz & Worksheet - Short-Term & Long-Term Securities, Quiz & Worksheet - Censorship in Orwell's 1984, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, AEPA Chemistry (NT306): Practice & Study Guide, Microbiology for Teachers: Professional Development, Accuplacer Math: Advanced Algebra and Functions Placement Test Study Guide, Hamlet by William Shakespeare Study Guide, Laying the Foundation for a Marketing Career, Old and Middle English Literature: Help and Review, Quiz & Worksheet - AP World History Exam's DBQ, Quiz & Worksheet - Environmental Conservation and Preservation, Quiz & Worksheet - Characteristics of Friction, Quiz & Worksheet - Notes of the Bass Clef Staff, What is a Hacker? Sarpedon is Zeus's son, and the man's destiny is to die at Patroclus' hands, but Zeus has the chance now to save him. He knows that his glory will mean his death. Menelaus kills a soldier and jeers above his corpse in a decidedly un-sportsmanlike way. The Greeks seem to have gained the upper hand. This does not mean that the Greeks saw sexual orientation as pure choice. The two heroes fight over a single ship, neither man able to gain ground against the other. Zeus continues to hand victory to the Trojans, while Poseidon, covertly, rallies the Achaeans. Idomeneus is inspired and armors up with his buddy Meriones. Book 13: Assault on the Ships Zeus turns his attention away from the war between the Trojans and Akhaians. He stays with his dearest companion, his wife, just as Achilles withdraws to his encampment with Patroclus. He goes out among the fighters on the left flank and realizes that many of his best men have been killed or wounded. It is also important to realize that for Homer, Agamemnon's indecision is not necessarily ignoble. Rarely in the Iliad do the Trojans get an unqualified upper hand. However, the Trojans see the thunderbolt and take it as a sign to fight more fiercely. - Definition & Overview, First Grade Math Centers: Idea, Activities & Games, Companies That Offer Tuition Reimbursement, How to Use Study.com in High School CTE Programs, Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Sent to spy on the Trojans, … study To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Although Great Ajax never seems to drive whole enemy armies backward the way Diomedes or Hector or Achilles can, when he fights defensively he is one of the Achaeans' greatest assets. He makes a rousing speech, commanding the Aeantes to gather their courage. So many important Trojan warriors fall that Hector, when he searches for them, finds Paris and lashes out at him in despair. Poseidon, who feels he should be Zeus's equal in status, nevertheless has to give way to him. But Hera offers Sleep one of the Graces as a bride, and Sleep agrees to help her. When Achilles learns of the death of Patroklos, he bursts into tears, tearing his hair and throwing himself on the ground. Her arguments persuade Zeus, but he weeps tears of blood in pity for Sarpedon, his beloved son. Once again, Agamemnon is paralyzed by the burden of leadership. His sorrowful lament is heard by his mother, Thetis, and she comes to comfort him. OUTLINE OF THE ILIAD. Like Achilles, he will have glory instead of long life. Poseidon takes the form of an old man and approaches Agamemnon, telling him that Troy will eventually fall. He suggests that the bulk of the Achaean forces return to defend the ships, while the very greatest warriors stay to try and hold back Hector. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Iliad. They push their king, who is momentarily weakened by his heavy burden, to stay with the course of a true warrior king. Agamemnon is fearful, feeling the burden of responsibility and worrying about the fate into which he has led his men. And, at the very least, we need to understand the relationship of Achilles and Patroclus as special, even among the strong friendships between men in the Iliad. Idomenus runs into Meriones, who is returning to his ship to get a new spear to replace the spear that he lost in battle. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. But that scene does not in itself preclude the possibility of sexual relations between the two men: all Greek men, even when they had their most fulfilling sexual relationships with other men, took women as consorts and wives. 81-124 He stirs up others of the Argives. Book 14. THE ILIAD BOOK 1, TRANSLATED BY A. T. MURRAY [1] The wrath sing, goddess, of Peleus' son, Achilles, that destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades many valiant souls of heroes, and made them themselves spoil for dogs and every bird; thus the plan of Zeus came to fulfillment, from the time when first they parted in strife … Poseidon really whips them into a frenzy. A summary of Part X (Section8) in Homer's The Iliad. In the center, the Aeantes fight side-by-side, struggling to hold back the onslaught led by Hector. He asks the king of the gods to grant two prayers: first, that Patroclus should drive the Trojans back from the vessels, and second, that Patroclus should return to Achilles unwounded. He taunts the man, calling him names and challenging him. But Homer also values the bloody resolve of Odysseus and Diomedes. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. He has made a fatal decision, and the deaths of Sarpedon, Patroklos, Hektor, Achilles himself, and the fall of Troy all inevitably follow. This lesson will summarize Book 13 of Homer's 'The Iliad.' In Plato's Symposium, a speaker narrates a myth explaining why some people prefer members of the same sex, others prefer members of the opposite sex, and still others sexually enjoy people of both sexes. 125-135 They make a stand about the Aiantes. In a similar way, Patroclus' promise that Achilles will kill Hector whets our appetite for the climactic battle between the Trojan War's two greatest champions. Study.com has thousands of articles about every The power to reach new understanding is a human one. 13 Book 8. Athena temporarily gives Diomedes, son of King Tydeus of Argos, unmatched battle prowess. Visit the 10th Grade English: Help and Review page to learn more. Advised by Nestor, Agamemnon finally agrees to return Briseis to Achilles and give him other great gifts, but Achilles won't come back. He challenges them, asking where their pride has gone. Poseidon also uses god-like powers to bestow courage and strength upon them. His fiery words inspire the brothers, but words are not enough. The two sides clash fiercely, and the Trojan advance is halted. He kills man after man, culminating in an exciting duel between Patroclus and Sarpedon. Banned Books Week - Read a Book and Pass the Word! He moves to strike down Automedon in an attempt to take Achilles' magnificent chariot. The Iliad of Homer Translated by Alexander Pope, with notes by the Rev. Many warriors fall in the course of the Iliad, and many of those warriors have friends, but no death causes any man the rage and grief that Achilles feels when he receives the news of Patroclus' death. In these books the reader is presented with the main conflicts, the main characters, and how the Gods are involved in the war. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Hera obeys, and back on Olympus a furious Ares prepares to go down to the battle to avenge his son Ascalaphus. The Greeks greatly prized the quality they called arete, or personal honor. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. Patroclus scolds Meriones, telling him that men win wars by action rather than words. The Iliad and Odyssey are both divided into 24 books. The theme of glory runs through Zeus's plans for Hector. With Poseidon's help, the Greeks gain the upper hand. Borey, Eddie. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Iliad and what it means. One of his distinctions is that we sense little divine interference in his attack against the Trojans. He's also annoyed with his big brother. 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Still, Book 13 leaves the Achaeans in a dangerous position, as Hector remains strong and inches ever closer to the vulnerable Achaean ships. This lesson will summarize Book 13 of Homer's 'The Iliad.' The beginning of Book 13 focuses almost completely on this goal of psychological salvage, and once Idomenus and Meriones move to the left part of the battlefield we can see that the payoff is high. and Flaxman's Designs. Ajax calls on Teucer to strike down Hector with arrows, but when Teucer tries to do so Zeus snaps his bowstring. To Obey or Disobey: The Role of Obedience in the Iliad and Genesis 1-25. Bk XIII:1-80 Poseidon rouses the Aiantes . He feels for the Greeks who are taking a pretty bad beating. The gods do not change, or question themselves. Book 9 Summary: “The Embassy to Achilles” With Achaean morale low, Agamemnon calls an assembly and tearfully says that Zeus has tricked him: They will never conquer Troy and should return home. They understood sexual orientation as a preference, even a preference that was innate and part of nature, but they did not see these preferences as being an important marker of identity. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. The Gods. All rights reserved. Summary Analysis Zeus, pleased with the Trojan dominance, … He then goes to Hector and scolds him for not concerning himself with the fate of his allies. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. No significant lifestyle difference was discerned between men who loved men, men who loved women, and men who loved both. Book 13 describes the continuing battle between the Greeks and Trojans.