In order to install the bell housing, the second end 42 of the bell housing 26 is first connected to the engine 20. Use VW clutch and figure out how to mate it to the motorcycle output shaft.? The nut 32 is preferably made of stainless steel or similar material. An adapter kit for use in connecting an engine to a transmission is disclosed. In its preferred form, the glandnut 32 includes a pilot bearing 70 located in the central passage 66 thereof, near the first end 62. (661) 272-1147. After installation of a spacer next to a rotor portion of the output shaft, the adapter/flywheel assembly is advanced over the sprocket shaft until the splines on the shaft and in the adapter engage one another. (Harley V-twin engine to VW transaxle adapters) The Trike Shop 3744 Scheuneman Rd. The adapter elements for securing the flywheel preferably comprise a flywheel adapter and gland nut which secure the flywheel in the proper position to the output shaft of the engine. The VW engines used in these sport vehicles are of a 4 cylinder variety, and range in size from 1300 to 1800 cc. The kit of claim 1, wherein said aperture in said connector housing has a substantially circular shape at said first end and a substantially circular shape at said second end, said aperture being of a larger size at said second end than said first end. ADDRESS. NAILS, BOLTS, CIRCLIPS, CLAMPS, CLIPS, WEDGES, JOINTS OR JOINTING, Constructional details of connections not covered for in other groups of this subclass, GENERAL TAGGING OF NEW TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS; GENERAL TAGGING OF CROSS-SECTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES SPANNING OVER SEVERAL SECTIONS OF THE IPC; TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER USPC CROSS-REFERENCE ART COLLECTIONS [XRACs] AND DIGESTS, TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER USPC, TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER US CLASSIFICATION. 2. Forks are early 50’s Moto Guzzi and the seat may be as well. For what? I have some friends in Texas who built two Nova Trikes with Twin Cam 88 motors on VW trannies, one with 4-speed and reverse (the yellow one in your referenced photos) and the other using a full-automatic tranny from a VW Type 3. The spacer 88 may be installed merely by placing it over the sprocket shaft 54 and up against the rotor 56. They run $19k and will be available late 2002/ early 2003. Take the guesswork out of mating your engine and transaxle. The Harley engine had out dated technology when Porsche started his first beetle prototype and it hasn't improved much since! Once inserted, the second end 64 of the gland nut 32 is threaded onto the threaded end of the sprocket shaft 54, until the head 68 of the nut 32 firmly engages the first side 57a of the flywheel 30. Modern front wheel drive vehicles with the transaxle style transmission tend to use a motor oil like lubricant which is also inappropriate for our … Engine Adapter - V8 Engine List. The gland nut is threaded onto the end of the sprocket shaft until firmly engaged therewith. VW transaxles were never intended to mate with Mazda engines, so an adapter kit is a necessity. The only ones that do seem worth the work to me are the Subaru and the GM V6 vonversions and those are both better suited for bigger engine compartyments like Busses. Preferably, however, at approximately the same distance along the housing 26 as the rotor 56 extends into the housing 26, the aperture 36 begins to widen. For customers buying complete car kits, if we don't already have an adapter, you can send an engine and transaxle to us and we can probably mate them together. These trikes are similar to their four-wheeled counterparts, except that they have three wheels, and are typically used for on-road applications. Therefore, it has been found desirable to power the vehicle with a combination of a Harley-Davidson engine coupled to the VW transaxle. by PapaG » Fri Oct 26, 2001 4:12 pm, Post It has more HP and torque than my volkswagons. New here and i came acoss this site while searching on doing a motorcycle to vw transaxle conversion and although i havent found all the answers i need, i thought this was a good forum to be on. 3b is a rear view of the flywheel of FIG. The flywheel adapter is also a substantially tubular member, having an interior hollow section large enough to allow passage therethrough of the body portion of the gland nut. 2. FAQ. In general, the bell housing 26 has an overall diameter of about 14", and a thickness from first end 40 to second end 42 of about 41/2." He even made the kickstarter work. Find Similar Products by Category. Preferably, the bell housing 26 is machined from a block of fine grain aluminum, in either cast or billet form. Thus, at this end 42, the aperture 36 has a diameter of about 7". 4a is a rear end view of the gland nut of the adapter kit of the present invention; FIG. The key to the engine’s success largely comes down to its simple design, compact size, and ease of maintenance. desertracer. With a range of options available, you are sure to find the right solution for your vehicle. Engine Adapter - 4 Cylinder Engine List. The basic adapter kit consists of an adapter plate and a modified VW flywheel. , , , , MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING, ENGINEERING ELEMENTS AND UNITS; GENERAL MEASURES FOR PRODUCING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF MACHINES OR INSTALLATIONS; THERMAL INSULATION IN GENERAL, Support of transmission casing, e.g. 7. How To Order. by James2 » Fri Oct 26, 2001 7:42 pm, Post In the form described, because neither of the holes 45, 46 are threaded, use of a nut or means are necessary to secure the bolt 50 in place. The old Morgan 3 wheelers were very cool looking and there is a company in England, Triking Sports Cars, building kits powered by a Moto Guzzi engine. 0. The Beetle’s powertrain consists of a 999 cc inline-four and six-speed transmission from a Honda CBR1000RR motorcycle. This rotational energy is transmitted to the flywheel 30 via the pinned connection at the neck 77 of the adapter 28 and flange 63 of the flywheel 30. It has a 180mm clutch & lite weight 7# flywheel with 130 teeth to match the Corvair starter. The head 68 extends outwardly from the body of the nut 32. Home. The head 68 is located at a first end 62 of the nut 32, and the body 67 extends from the head 68 towards a second end 64. If we don’t see what you need here, we can most likely get if … Also recommended is a new clutch to replace the stock VW clutch. More. The Valkerie I understand - sweet modern engine - over 100hp, and mucho torque. 1 illustrates an engine 20 connected to a transmission 22 using the adapter kit 24 of the present invention. There are many ways to customize these versatile little machines from dune riding to drag racing, but this custom build might be the funnest. Kennedy Engineered Products was founded in February … by calereeves » Mon Oct 29, 2001 1:32 pm, Post SPEED TRANSAXLE WITH A REVERSE GEAR. There are many ways to customize these versatile little machines from dune riding to drag racing, but this custom build might be the funnest. Harley engines definately are low hp - digure 50hp or less for a stock one -might as well keep the VW engine. Man, that guy on ebay is on some serious drugs. --White Bear Lake, MN 55110 --Phone: 800 331 0705 (Harley and VW-trikes) Pages: [ 1] [ Notify] [ Print] [ Send To Friend] [ Watch] [ ] [ >] people online in the last 30 minutes - 0 members, 0 anon and 0 guests. 5a. More specifically, the present invention relates to a adapter kit comprising a bell housing, flywheel, adapter means, preferably in the form of a gland nut and flywheel adapter, and related accessories, for connecting a motorcycle engine, preferably of a type marketed under the name Harley-Davidson to a automobile transmission preferably of a type marketed under the name Volkswagen. 38822 17th St E Palmdale, CA 93550 USA. Weddle Industries now stocks adapter kits to help you mate a VW style bell housing to most of today’s common engine packages (see applications below).These kits contain an adapter plate and all necessary hardware to help fit the bare engine to the transaxle. The neck 77 is preferably tubular extension extending at the first end 72 of the adapter 28 from the body 75. The majority of VW bikes utilize the BMW motorcycle as the basic frame to start with, particularly the 1960 to 1969 years. Seems to me all the adt. Contact. Next, the flywheel adapter 28 is connected to the flywheel 30. The spacer 88 is a preferably ring-shaped member, similar to a washer. In cast form, the bell housing 26 is made from 356 aircraft grade aluminum or better, with a hardness of T6 or better, with at least 30,000 psi tensile strength. Holes are also provided on one side of the flywheel for engagement of attaching means, whereby a pressure disc may be attached thereto. The engine produces around 175 horsepower and 103-112 lb-ft of torque depending on which model year it is. In accordance with the present invention, a method of connecting an engine to a transmission is provided. by blight » Tue Nov 20, 2001 10:31 am. This is preferably accomplished by passing the bell housing over the output shaft and bolting the housing to the engine. In particular, because of the extension of the sprocket shaft 54 from the engine 20, the bell housing 26 provides proper spacing between the engine 20 and transmission 22 to provide proper placement of the flywheel 30 in the transmission housing 80. 38822 17th St E Palmdale, CA 93550 USA. These holes 48 are preferably located such that when the engine 20 is abutted against the bell housing 26, bolts 52 may be passed through the holes 48 into engagement with holes 47 located in the engine 22. A bore 61 is centrally located in the flywheel 30. by Ford_Nut » Tue Oct 30, 2001 2:13 am, Post
Originally posted by nicanor: Like I stated before, I'd rather not have a Harley engine but if that's the only motorcycle engine that would fit on my tranny then I. I just got a reply from the seller of that auction and this is what he had to say about the engine mod fro the VW tranny: He's just a moron who can't fab anything on his own. torque arms, or attachment to other devices, LAND VEHICLES FOR TRAVELLING OTHERWISE THAN ON RAILS, CYCLES; CYCLE FRAMES; CYCLE STEERING DEVICES; RIDER-OPERATED TERMINAL CONTROLS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CYCLES; CYCLE AXLE SUSPENSIONS; CYCLE SIDE-CARS, FORECARS, OR THE LIKE, Cycles convertible to, or transformable into, other types of cycles or land vehicle, Cycles convertible to, or transformable into, other types of cycles or land vehicle to a tricycle, COMBUSTION ENGINES; HOT-GAS OR COMBUSTION-PRODUCT ENGINE PLANTS, INTERNAL-COMBUSTION PISTON ENGINES; COMBUSTION ENGINES IN GENERAL, Adaptations of engines for driving vehicles or for driving propellers; Combinations of engines with gearing, Adaptations of engines for driving vehicles or for driving propellers; Combinations of engines with gearing for driving cycles, Internal-combustion engines convertible into other combustion-engine type, not provided for in F02B11/00; Internal-combustion engines of different types characterised by constructions facilitating use of same main engine-parts in different types, COUPLINGS FOR TRANSMITTING ROTATION; CLUTCHES; BRAKES, Couplings for rigidly connecting two coaxial shafts or other movable machine elements, Couplings for rigidly connecting two coaxial shafts or other movable machine elements for connecting two abutting shafts or the like, DEVICES FOR FASTENING OR SECURING CONSTRUCTIONAL ELEMENTS OR MACHINE PARTS TOGETHER, e.g. For several years, recreational vehicles known as dune buggies, or items. 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